Renewable Column for Atomic Spectroscopy
Determination of trace metal ions via on-line separation and preconcentration by means of chelating Sepharose beads in a sequential injection Lab-on-valve (SI-LOV) system coupled to electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric detection
The salient features of this work are the simplicity of the experimental setup, high retention efficiency of target analytes, and good enrichment factors.
SI-LOV system for determination of ultra-trace levels of Cd, Pb and Ni using preconcentration by chelating Sepharose beads and detection by ETAAS. SP1 and SP2, syringe pumps; PP, peristaltic pump; CL, communication line; C1 and C2, microcolumn positions. Although for clarity they are shown wider, all channels in the LOV are actually of identical internal diameter (1.66 mm).